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Welcome to the mesmerizing landscape of Stelvio National Park, a sprawling expanse nestled in the heart of the Central Alps, where nature unfolds its breathtaking beauty across 130,700 hectares. Picture this as your canvas, with about three-quarters of the terrain soaring above 2,000 meters, reaching its pinnacle at 3,905 meters atop Ortles.

The geographical heart of this high-altitude mountain park lies in the Ortles-Cevedale group, straddling the borders of Lombardy and Trentino-Alto Adige. As you traverse through its valleys, you’ll be greeted by mowing meadows, gradually giving way to slopes draped in majestic coniferous woods. Ascending further, alpine prairies come into view, sporadic at first, and eventually giving space to isolated specimens that thrive at remarkable altitudes.

For wildlife enthusiasts, Stelvio National Park is a haven, hosting over 260 vertebrate species. From the regal flight of great birds of prey like the golden eagle and lammergeyer to the graceful presence of deer, ibex, marmots, white hares, and ermines, the park stands as a sanctuary for biodiversity.

Yet, this protected sanctuary is more than just a celebration of nature; it’s a living chronicle of history. It bears the scars of the First World War, with remnants of military roads, mule tracks, trenches, and villages in the Braulio Valley, Stelvio Pass, Forni Valley, and Gavia Valley telling tales of the “White War” and the resilience of this region.

Stretching across twenty-three municipalities, each serving as a gateway to Stelvio’s wonders, the park offers a network of 1500 km of paths. These paths lead you through a captivating journey, immersing you in the rich tapestry of the park’s natural and human landscapes.

The captivating blend of natural wonders and historical treasures in Bormio and Stelvio National Park invites adventurers to embark on a memorable journey. Whether you seek the thrill of outdoor exploration or the soothing embrace of thermal baths, this corner of the Alps promises an unforgettable experience, weaving together the tales of time and the symphony of nature.


On the southern border of Stelvio and Valtellina National Park sits the enchanting town of Bormio, a year-round haven famed for its thermal baths and as a premier ski destination. The historical core of Bormio is adorned with cultural gems like Kuerc Square and Bajona Tower. The former, resembling an amphitheater, has been a meeting place for centuries. The latter, also known as “Torre delle Ore,” stands tall as a symbol of Bormio, its large bell once guiding the Major Council and warning of impending events.

Bormio’s charm extends beyond its historical landmarks. The ancient Roman baths, Bagni Vecchi, invite visitors to soak in millenary springs, while the more recent Bagni Nuovi offers thermal paths and a stone pine-covered sauna. The Civic Museum in Palazzo De Simoni unfolds a treasure trove of over 4,000 objects, narrating the region’s culture, crafts, work, folklore, and religious life.

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